Principal’s Message

Sehwag International School, Jhajjar has been a centre for learning and sport ever since its inception in 2011. Having been associated with this institution for over 5 years and transitioning from an educator to a head has been an experience of a lifetime.
Student life is the foundation of a happy and a fulfilled life. If a student learns to 'live' life in its true colours, life itself becomes the gift it is meant to be. Students here at Sehwag International School are trained to become not just toppers or great sportspersons but also reliable and aware citizens of the new world. There are attempts to provide all round development through physical and mental stimulation delivered through a well-packaged school system that covers sport and academics with a topping of co-curricular activities. An equal emphasis is laid on the individual capacity of each child and a partnership begins which builds on what a child is confident in.
A student here is not just a player or a pupil. S/he is a 21st-century learner. The day starts and ends with sport which helps maintain not just physical health but mental agility as well. Attempts are being made each day to ensure that each activity leaves a positive impact on the students. A life well lived has purpose attached to it and meaning it gains from what surrounds it.
That is what we attempt to train our students in. 
As we progress on our path together, we share dreams and aspirations that are close to the SISJ students' heart and nudge it further with all that we possess and believe in.
Jai hind! Jai Bharat!
Ms. Geetanjali Ghosh